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The Source object represents a media file.


To construct a new Source, use Source(path, part=-1) where part is the part index if it is a multi-part source. Use to query the available parts in the file.

The path passed to Source should contain the frame range to use, in the form: /path/to/file.[0001-0999].ext. Use SequenceBuilder to aid in building the path in the proper format.


Attributes are read-only except where noted.

Name Description Added
audio True if the source has audio
defaultStream the default stream
fieldDominance the field dominance setting
fieldHandling the field handling setting
key the source's image cache key
streamMask the streams the source produces
video True if the source has video
channelMask the available channels 6.0
part The part number 6.0
dependencies List of dependent sources 7.0
layers Source layer list 7.0


Name Description
path(frame) generate the path to the desired frame of media
metadata(frame) return a metadata dictionary for the specified frame 6.0


tools.sequenceBuilder contains the SequenceBuilder class which can be used to parse a filename and generate details such as start and end frames. path should be a frame from a numbered sequence and SequenceBuilder will find the start and end frames and construct a resulting path with the frame range built-in, suitable for constructing Sources from, in the form: /path/to/file.[start-end].ext.

from tools.sequenceBuilder import SequenceBuilder

# the image sequence has frames 1-999
path = "/images/sequence.0001.exr"

builder = SequenceBuilder(path)
for f in range(0, builder.frames):

# construct Sources using self.path, which has the frame range included
source = Source(builder.path)

print builder.path

This prints out /images/sequence.[0001-0999].exr.

Creating Multi-Layer Sources

EXR files can contain multiple Layers. There can only be one Source per layer, so if multiple layers must be accessed, the Source must be imported multiple times, and the layer specified using the layer property. Here is a code snippet that, given a selected Source with multiple layers, will create the additional Layer Sources automatically.

from fx import *

beginUndo("Create Source Layers")

project = activeProject()
    source = selection()[0]
    for layer in source.layers:
        if layer != "default":
            print "Creating Layer: " + layer
            path ="path").value
            s = Source(path)
  "layer").value = layer
except Exception as e:
    print e


Adding Sources

Sources can be added to the Project with the Project.addItem() method.